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What's Age-tech?

What is Age-tech? 

Finding Inspiration in Japanese Age-tech 

AgeTech is a technology and innovation that enhances social inclusion and individual wellbeing in a hyper-aged society. It is made up of seniors, intergenerational people, and local communities. Committee members familiar with global AgeTech trends, intellectual property, policy, and social innovation will select the winners and present the awards. 


 AgeTech is not only about technologies related to care for the elderly; it is also about the SDGs second edition action areas: age-friendly environments (mobility, mobility, housing, home care, travel, fintech, insurtech social & communication, watchful waiting), integrated care, long term care (medical care, nursing care, nutrition, diet, exercise, rehabilitation, and other preventive healthcare, independence support, caregiver support, physical and mental health maintenance, and end-of-life related services that extend healthy life expectancy), etc., and is comprised of multiple domains, and is a field that is comprised of not only seniors but also their families and other intergenerational people and local communities. It refers to technologies and innovations that enhance independence and social inclusion throughout the human lifespan. An environment that is friendly to the elderly is also friendly to children and pregnant women, and is a necessary technology in Japan, where the birthrate is the lowest in the world and the population is aging.

 Age-tech is defined differently in different countries, with each country's technology, research, and services being considered Age-tech according to the current situation in that country.

      Age Tech Market Map

Japan Age Tech Market Map

© 2021 by Well Aging Economic Forum


Target of Age Tech examination

SDGs 2nd edition'The Decade of Healthy Ageing 2021 stipulated by the United Nations by using Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) to solve social issues such as increasing inclusiveness and wellbeing in a sustainable super-aging society. -Targets excellent domestic efforts (various efforts including research and development, product / service planning, business plans, information dissemination, etc.) aiming to achieve 2030'. For STI, there are no requirements such as field, application, novelty, technical level, etc. It targets initiatives that can be widely deployed both domestically and internationally.

​ Agetech is a field made up of people of all ages and communities, not to mention seniors.

Agetech is an age-friendly environment (movement, mobility, housing, living environment, home care, travel, fintech, insurtech social & communication, watching), integrated care, long-term care (medical care, long-term care, nutrition / nutrition / Preventive healthcare that extends healthy life such as food and exercise, independence support, carer support, mental and physical health maintenance, end-of-life related services), etc. It is composed of multiple domains, not only seniors but also people beyond generations such as their families It is a field that is made up of local communities. It also refers to technologies and innovations that enhance human independence and social inclusion throughout life. ​ Agetech has different definitions depending on the country, and research and services according to the current situation of each country are regarded as Agetech, and this award refers to the Agetech industry in the United Kingdom. ..

​ What is Age Tech?


SDGs 2nd edition'The Decade of Healthy Ageing 2021 stipulated by the United Nations by using Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) to solve social issues such as increasing inclusiveness and wellbeing in a sustainable super-aging society. -Targets excellent domestic efforts (various efforts including research and development, product / service planning, business plans, information dissemination, etc.) aiming to achieve 2030'. For STI, there are no requirements such as field, application, novelty, technical level, etc. It targets initiatives that can be widely deployed both domestically and internationally.

​ Agetech is a field made up of people of all ages and communities, not to mention seniors.

Agetech is an age-friendly environment (movement, mobility, housing, living environment, home care, travel, fintech, insurtech social & communication, watching), integrated care, long-term care (medical care, long-term care, nutrition / nutrition / Preventive healthcare that extends healthy life such as food and exercise, independence support, carer support, mental and physical health maintenance, end-of-life related services), etc. It is composed of multiple domains, not only seniors but also people beyond generations such as their families It is a field that is made up of local communities. It also refers to technologies and innovations that enhance human independence and social inclusion throughout life. ​ Agetech has different definitions depending on the country, and research and services according to the current situation of each country are regarded as Agetech, and this award refers to the Agetech industry in the United Kingdom. ..

Agetech 2022 Judging Committee
(Titles omitted)


・Kanazawa Institute of Technology Graduate School Professor Jikei University Specially Appointed Professor Kazunari Sugimitsu 

・Tokyo Institute of Technology Professor Shintaro Sengoku

・Nobuki Ando, Chairman of the All Japan Health Insurance Association 

​・IA Partners (former DBJ Capital) Akihiko Kaneko

​・2025 International Exposition Association

・Patent Office Judge Ippei Ota

​・Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National CorporationHiroyuki Kondo  

​・Japan Intellectual Property Standards Office Yuto Nakagami

​ ・ Former Unilever Director Yuka Shimada

​・Yumi Sato, Representative Director, Well Aging Economic Forum


Agetech 2022 Judging Committee
(Titles omitted)


・Kazunari Sugimitsu   Professor, Graduate School of Kanazawa Institute of Technology

・Tokyo Institute of Technology Professor Shintaro Sengoku

・Nobuki Ando, Chairman of the All Japan Health Insurance Association

・IA Partners Director Akihiko Kaneko

・2025 International Exposition Association Hiroshi Ishizuka 

・Patent Office Judge Ippei Ota

​・Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National CorporationHiroyuki Kondo  

​・Japan Intellectual Property Standards Office Yuto Nakagami

​・Yumi Sato, Representative Director, Well Aging Economic Forum

Age Tech 2021 Judging Committee
(honorific title omitted)

・ The University of Tokyo Vice President / Professor Toshiya Watanabe

・ Professor, Graduate School of the University of Tokyo Keisuke Goda, Part-time Professor, UCLA

・ Kanazawa Institute of Technology Graduate School Professor Kazunari Sugi  

・ Professor Shintaro Sengoku, Tokyo Institute of Technology (preliminary examination only)

・ Hiromichi Kimura, Specially Appointed Professor, The University of Tokyo (planned)

・ Professor, Kobe University, Researcher, Stanford University Takaaki Hoda 

・ Sumitomo Corporation Executive Officer, President and Representative Director of Sumitomo Global Research

Former Secretary General, Intellectual Property Strategy Promotion Office, Cabinet Office Takayuki Sumita

・ Nobuki Ando, President of All Japan Health Insurance Association 

・ Takafumi Yamamoto, President and CEO of TLO, University of Tokyo

​ ・ Japan Intellectual Property Standards Office Hiroto Nakagami

​ ・ Yuka Shimada, Director of Unilever Holdings ( ​)

​ ・ Well Aging Economic Forum Representative Director Yumi Sato

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