Well Aging Economic Forum
For Wellbeing & Sustainability
Changing Values about Age and Redesigning the Super-Aging Society
100年時代の課題の本質は、加速する技術革新と長寿化に対しルールはもちろん、 マインドが追い付いついていないことにあるのではないか。 たとえルールを整えても、そこに生きる人、働く人のものの見方、 考え方が昭和のままではひとり一人の挑戦力も、イノベーションも なかなか生まれません。もう年だから~できない。まだ若いから~しなくてはならない。下は従うものだ-------- 私たちは、自分にも他人にも、組織や社会にも、無意識に限界を設定してはいないだろうか。
写真: ウェルビーイングメディア Wellulu 取材風景
【佐藤ゆみ氏×今岡うえき氏】ジェンダーフリーの次は、エイジフリー! 100年時代、老いも若きも年齢で制限されない社会を築くためのヒントを探る - Wellulu
Next gender-free, Age-free.
Is your age limiting your potential or creating limits?
Longevity and technological innovation are advancing at an unprecedented pace,What is first necessary for wellbeing in the age of 100 years? The first step towards wellbeing in the age of 100 years is a way of seeing and thinking that transcends age and generational barriers and divisions.
Ageism (ageism, prejudice and annualism) is racism in the world,gender discrimination,SDGs from the perspective of inclusiveness, which is its main focus,
The SDGs advocate the elimination of discrimination, disparities and divisions caused by ageism.
"Age is just a number!
as the slogan for the mindset of the future and the axis of our activities.We will turn the pinch of a declining population and super-aging society into an opportunity.
Turn a negative mindset about the future of oneself and society into a positive one.
Aiming for an age-free society that improves wellbeing,
We will promote multifaceted and agile activities from two directions: values on age and social innovation to enhance individual independence and social inclusion.
Towards an age-free, symbiotic and co-creating society that does not limit how we live and work based on age.
From both mindset and social innovation
Update yourself and society.
Don't put a curse on yourself.
25-year-old female office worker: At 50, isn't it vain to make sexy eyes at 17 years younger than you?
52-year-old Yuri: You see the value in your youth.
It's a curse. It's like a curse you put on yourself. You think you're not worthy of the future you're headed for. That's nothing but despair, isn't it?
It's hard to be what you used to fool yourself into thinking you were. You will live your life thinking, "People around me are making fun of me now, just like I used to do.
Get away from that horrible curse as fast as you can.
If you want to grow old beautifully in the future, you should make friends with older people who are enjoying life.
Your future can be someone else's present or past.
(From the manga "Escape is Shameful but Useful", vol. 9, p. 63)
This "curse" is ageism (age discrimination, negative values and bias toward aging and seniors). We are unconsciously creating limitations, restrictions, and intergenerational disconnects.
There will be no Prime Minister Sunak or Prime Minister Marin in Japan.
Do you set limits, limits, and boundaries on your own and others' possibilities from childhood based on age, year, and hierarchical relationships, such as "I can't do it when I'm old ~ can't do it," "I have to do it when I'm older," "I have to respect my superior," and "I'm over ◯ years old, and the following are not allowed."
Some students say they can't study abroad because they're one year late, while in the large corporations and political policy industries, the culture of horizontal division of seniority and annualism that emphasizes hierarchical relationships between positions such as years and positions makes it difficult for young leaders to develop and it is difficult to break free from the precedent-based system.
There is even a Japan-specific gender ageism, in which even school girls believe that "women become worthless as they get older." ◯◯ There is even a community that refuses to be anyone other than generations. It's time to rethink the frame of age and position and live age-free.
Former Prime Minister of Finland Sanna Marin was 34 years old when she was elected. There is no word for ageism in the world's happiest country.
What is needed to live and work in the 100-year age is flexible thinking and Independence.
Japan has a special kind of ageism in the world, such as the seniority system. It is good to respect people, but not for their age or position, but for the way they live, work and behave. It is important to make your own decisions and judgements, not because of rules from the past or because someone told you to.
The deciding factor in well being is social tolerance. Many of the challenges of an aging society with a very low birthrate can be solved with updated values on aging and age diversity.
Population decline due to low birthrate and aging population, labor shortage, increasing medical costs, 20 million yen problem in old age, intergenerational gap and disconnection, loneliness, and declining economic growth--------- The essence of these issues can be solved more than halfway if there is an environment where people can live and work regardless of gender and age.
It is well known that after retirement, the risk of sudden withdrawal and dementia increases. Recognizing diverse values and improving social inclusion and the social, mental, and physical wellbeing of each individual will ultimately increase healthy life expectancy. Increased interaction, collaboration, and co-creation with different industries and cultures, and the creation of innovation will lead to economic growth. Statistics show that multigenerational communities and organizations have higher levels of wellbeing and are more likely to generate innovation in business than communities of the same generation. It is time to recognize and rethink our age and position frames and preconceived notions, and live life without being limited by age.
We have adopted the slogan "Age is just a Number" to dispel unconscious preconceptions and prejudices as a necessary mindset for living a fulfilling life in the 100-year life era and for solving various issues in Japan's super-aged society.
Action Area
Combat Ageism for inclusive growth
Aiming to create a tolerant, sustainable, and symbiotic society where people can live and work freely from age in the 100 years-life. Starting with the enlightenment of this concept, we promote employment opportunities and age diversity without age discrimination or restrictions, and create an age-friendly environment and town that is friendly to seniors, pregnant women, and babies, We promote policy proposals and public-private partnership projects to promote the integration of seven main areas: health for ageless living, medical care and nursing care, planetary health and global health, and the inclusive growth, economy and business management that support these areas.