Well Aging Economic Forum

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Well-being & Age-Tech Award
We are pleased to announce and present the Ministerial Award for Age Tech to enhance the wellbeing and inclusiveness of ultra low fertility and ageing societies.
The Award was launched to identify and promote the use of science, technology and innovation that will enhance the inclusiveness and wellbeing of an ageing society with very low fertility from 2021. Through the screening process, we found that there are many AgeTechs in Japan, as well as many researchers and companies that are making efforts to solve the issues. This is a great advantage in Japan, which has the world's lowest birthrate and the oldest population in the world. If government, government, industry and academia work together to foster and promote the use of projects and research, it will be possible to contribute to and expand in ASEAN and other countries facing the same challenges.
The science, technology and innovation entries will be carefully reviewed by a panel of judges, including leading experts in intellectual property and technology, and those deemed outstanding will be announced and awarded at the Forum. Upon request, winning companies are offered pro bono consulting support for value co-creation and deployment, including introductions to Expo associations and local authorities, regulatory support, joint research with overseas governmental organisations and academia, and coordination with ministries, companies and VCs. Pro bono support is provided for value co-creation and deployment.

Well-being & Age-tech 2022 Award
Award-winning company
Aiming to solve the world-wide problem of super-aging, the SDGs and the second edition of the United Nations SDGs starting in 2020: Decade of Healthy Aging 2021-2030: utilization of science, technology and innovation that contributes to the decade of healthy aging, inclusiveness, We will introduce the efforts selected by experts in intellectual property and technology from the viewpoint of evaluation of integration, originality, innovation, development, and storytelling.
November 27, 2022, Hibiya Midtown BESE-Q, 202Already held at Toranomon Hills Forum on November 23, 2011
Supported by: Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Yomiuri Shimbun